Sistersthatstitch was created by two sisters Tracey & Debbie after becoming hooked on the creative and rewarding hobby.
Taking a ball of wool and using our own hands to turn it into something new has given us a sense of accomplishment and pride that we want to share with you.
Our aim is to design easy to knit/ crochet patterns that require basic technique that a beginner can follow with confidence.
Knitting is an excellent choice for a new hobby. Here are some reasons to get started:
- (1) Relaxation -unwind from the stresses of everyday life
- (2) Fit in with family life – can be done at home from the comfort of your armchair
- (3) Multi-tasking – can watch your favourite TV shows and movies whilst still knitting
- (4) Charity – endless opportunity to knit items to support local charities
- (5) Mistakes – it doesn’t have to be perfect
- (6) Dieting – keeping your hands busy can block the triggers for comfort eating
Happy Knitting!